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Business English
How Improving Your Accent Can Boost Your Career

In today’s job market, clear communication is very important. If you are a non-native English speaker, improving your pronunciation can help you get better jobs, earn more money, and be seen as more professional. This article will explain why working on your accent can open more doors for your career.

Exam preparation
The way to IT with the help of English

The field of IT has now become more popular than ever, and it is almost impossible to get there without...

Exam preparation
5 Things You Can Do to Start Thinking in English

Think in English effortlessly with our top 5 strategies! Dive into our newest blog to explore innovative methods. Make English thinking your new normal.

Exam preparation
Game Day at English University

We invite everyone to GAME DAY on Saturday 19.06!??? Let's spend the most useful two hours in game form!