The way to IT with the help of English
What difficulties arise most often when setting pronunciation in English? How to overcome difficulties and get rid of the accent?

When learning English at a conscious age, 99% of us are faced with the problem of having an accent. This is understandable, but does not help relieve irritation ? . However, even in the States there are many people who speak with an accent. Do 2 exercises from this article to speak without an accent in English.

What difficulties arise most often when setting pronunciation in English? How to overcome difficulties and get rid of the accent?

It is worth noting that since English is the language of international communication, people all over the world speak it – and each with some kind of accent. Do you want to make sure of this?

By accent, you can determine from which country or region you come from. Moreover, if you decide to get rid of the Russian accent in English speech, you need to determine which pronunciation you want to learn. Indeed, in addition to the traditional British version of the English language, there is an American version (with differences in pronunciation in each state), an Australian version, etc. The American version is different from British English, so it’s better to choose which pronunciation style you want to master, otherwise you run the risk of completely getting confused.

How to quickly get rid of an accent forever: the most effective techniques

When choosing a track, start from your level. At the initial levels, take slow compositions. If
you are already Upper or even Advanced, I challenge you to a rap battle. I guarantee you will
laugh heartily!